Is the Ceiling Fan in Your Office Embarrassing You?

Some people don’t think clients and other visitors to their office notice the ceiling fan full of dust and even creepy bugs hanging dead from its blades.  Don’t fool yourself!  They do notice and pray that nothing will fall on their heads while they are talking to you.

Quality is in the details, and a clean fan says a lot about the care you put into your business, your surroundings, your employees, and your clients.  In other words, take the time to clean your office’s ceiling fan at least every two months.

Besides the unprofessional appearance a dirty ceiling fan gives, it will not work as well as a clean one, because the dirt limits the airflow, making the fan less efficient.  In addition, a dirty fan brings allergens into the air, since the dust they collect is being re-distributed all over the place.

Cleaning it is really easy. Do not think that because the fan is located high up you will have to break your neck as you try.  If you dust it every week, you will maintain it very clean, and you can do it with a long duster, which will get rid of the daily dust easily, or you can use a vacuum with a ceiling fan cleaning attachment.  Nevertheless, when a thorough cleaning is required, you will have to get up there.

This is the equipment you will need to clean your office’s ceiling fan:

-A tall and safe stepladder.
-Paper towel.
-A good, and if possible, organic cleaner.  You can do your own by mixing warm water, dishwashing liquid, and white vinegar.
-Old newspaper sheets.

This is what you need to do to clean it up like an office cleaning expert will:

-Turn the fan off.

-Put old newspaper sheets on the floor directly under the fan; these will catch the dirt that falls while you clean the blades.

-If the fan has a light fixture, remove the bulb, and clean it before putting it back.

-Climb up to reach the fan and use the paper towel and the cleaner to clean the blades one by one.  Use one towel per blade, the paper must be clean every time you wipe the dirt off a blade.

Thoroughly cleaning a ceiling fan may take you between thirty minutes to an hour, depending on how dirty it is.  If there is a fan in the kitchen, you will have to use a cleaner that removes grease.

When cleaning the fan, never soak the blades with water or cleaning fluid, because these can get deformed depending on the material.  Read the fan’s manual before cleaning it, because some materials, like iron, should not be cleaned with water.  You may use some polish to give the fan a shiny finish; however, don’t go overboard, because the polish may grab more dust.

Make sure the fan’s motor remains dry while you clean the blades; otherwise, you may cause electrical shocks and may damage the motor.

Once your office’s ceiling fan is thoroughly cleaned, it will be very easy to maintain if you remember to look up and dust it on a weekly basis.

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