Office Cleaning the Way Grandma Used to Clean

Who doesn’t believe that every past time was better?  We hear that all the time and there is a reason for it.  In the past, when our grandparents were growing up, no one wasted money, every penny was sacred.  And this was also true when cleaning.  Grandmas cleaned the old-fashioned way, and their houses were […]

Once a Year Cleaning Jobs

Spring cleaning isn’t just something that homeowners need to do.  Oftentimes businesses have cleaning jobs that need only be done once or twice a year as well.  If you have a commercial cleaning company taking care of your place of business, consider asking them if they will also do this type of maintenance.  Deep cleaning […]

There May Be More Than a Computer Virus on Your Desk!

Creating a healthy workplace environment is no easy task and the regular use of a commercial cleaning service helps to ensure that the job gets done right.  With the threat of disease in everyone’s mind these days, keeping our offices, desks and work stations free of germs is paramount to providing a healthy productive workplace.  […]

Benefits of a Clean Office

When we think about an office, we think about desks, computers and lots of papers.  Depending on the type of business, we can think about other types of equipment also, but, no matter what your business is about, the truth is that there are many documents that cannot be kept just electronically; we need a […]