How to Keep Your Office Clean and Organized?

How to Keep Your Office Clean and Organized

How to Keep Your Office Clean and Organized? There are several benefits to having a clean and organized office. Many researchers have discovered that a clean and organized workspace often leads to more productivity, less stress, and increased employee confidence. Additionally, it gives an excellent impression to visitors and potential clients.  However, despite its apparent […]

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What to Look For in a Commercial Cleaning Company

As we all know, personal appearances and first impressions can be crucial when owning and operating a business.  If your office or store is sloppy, and poorly organized, your customers, as well as your clients, will see your business the same way.  Having an organized and messy office can show your work to be less […]

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Once a Year Cleaning Jobs

Spring cleaning isn’t just something that homeowners need to do.  Oftentimes businesses have cleaning jobs that need only be done once or twice a year as well.  If you have a commercial cleaning company taking care of your place of business, consider asking them if they will also do this type of maintenance.  Deep cleaning […]

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Office Cleaning Checklist….What Your Cleaners Should Do

When you pay for an office cleaning service, you want to get what you pay for. Commercial cleaning providers will often supply a checklist of services so you can choose how much or how little they do.  With Maintenance One, we perform a 32-Step Cleaning Service even on our most basic plans! If you don’t […]

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